Getting Started

Encryption 101

Encryption can be costly, time-consuming and easy to get wrong.

Evervault gives developers a set of interoperable Primitives which can be used to encrypt, decrypt and process sensitive data. Primitives are like building blocks for developers. They're fundamental, interoperable products for constructing any data security or compliance workflow.

Developers never need to handle encryption keys when using Evervault. Primitives use a dual-security model, meaning we store encryption keys and you store encrypted data.

Getting Started Guides

Customers who use Evervault for Encryption as a Service typically combine the following workflow patterns. Select the guide that’s most applicable to your product.

Hello, World! Encryption

Learn how to encrypt and decrypt your first string. You'll be using the Evervault REST API, which exposes functions for encrypting and decrypting data.

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Encrypt Data Collected in the Browser

Learn how to encrypt sensitive data that originates in the browser. You’ll be using Evervault’s client-side SDKs or our encryption proxy, Relay.

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Process Encrypted Data

Learn how to process data that you've already encrypted. You'll be using Evervault Functions, secure serverless functions hosted by Evervault.

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Share Encrypted Data with a Third-Party API

Learn how to share encrypted data with a third-party service like Stripe. You'll be using Relay, an encryption and decryption proxy.

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Encrypt Data Fetched from a Third-Party API

Learn how to encrypt the response of a request to a third-party service. You'll be using Relay, an encryption and decryption proxy.

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Decrypt Data in a Response from the Server

Learn how to decrypt data in a response from the server. You'll be using Relay, an encryption and decryption proxy.

Get Started