Migration Guide

Prior to v1, Evervault Enclaves were referred to as Evervault Cages. The rollout of our v1 of Enclaves requires some migration for existing Cages customers.

Migrate to a Scoped API Key

As part of the release of Enclaves, we have removed support for Global API Keys in favour of Scoped API Keys. If you are still using a Global API Key in your Client or CI, you will need to replace it with a Scoped API Key. You can create a Scoped API Key from the App Settings Page in the Evervault Dashboard.

Install the latest CLI

From v1, the installed CLI is named ev enclave. You can install the new CLI with the following command:

Migrate existing cage.toml files

Once you have the latest CLI installed, you can migrate the Cage.toml files of your pre-existing Cages using the following command:

Update CI tasks to use latest CLI

If you have been using the ev-cage CLI in CI, you will need to update your CI tasks to use the new ev enclave CLI. To do this, you can update the install step to use the new path: https://cli.evervault.com/v4/install.

Any commands should be updated to use ev enclave in place of ev-cage.

Consume new context header

If your in Enclave process consumes the x-evervault-cage-ctx header sent from the data plane, you will need to update this to use the new standardized header: x-evervault-ctx. This header is now shared across Relay and Enclaves, and transaction IDs will be concatenated to build a trace.

Deploy using the new CLI

To migrate to the new Enclaves runtime, you'll need to deploy your image using the new Enclave CLI:

Update Evervault SDKs

If you are using an Evervault SDK when invoking your Enclave, you will need to update the SDK to the latest version, and use the new enclave functions in place of the deprecated Cage functions.

If you are using your own client, or making network requests directly to the Enclave, you will need to update the hostname from <YOUR CAGE NAME>.<YOUR APP ID>.cage.evervault.com to <YOUR CAGE NAME>.<YOUR APP ID>.enclave.evervault.com.