Handle Card updates

One of the primary advantages of utilizing the Cards API lies in its ability to notify you whenever there is a change to a card. Such changes may occur under various circumstances like a card replacement due to loss, theft, or expiration. Handling card updates ensures that the payment credentials on file are always up to date.

Card Update Notifications

To benefit from card update notifications, you can set up a Webhook Endpoint and subscribe that endpoint to the payments.card.updated Webhook Event. Endpoints can be registered using the Evervault Dashboard (App Settings) or programmatically using the Webhook Endpoints API.

Upon any update dispatched by the card network, a notification message is then sent to your Webhook Endpoint, which is specifically subscribed to the payments.card.updated event. This ensures that your system is immediately notified of any changes, allowing for uninterrupted payment processing.

Alternatively, you may wish to use the Cards API to poll for changes to a Card as a pre-requisite to transacting:

Replacement Cards

For new expiry dates and new account numbers, the original card's status will be updated to replaced and the card's replacement field will be set to the uuid of the replacement card. You can use the Cards API to retrieve the most up to date card details for the replacement card before attempting to transact.

For an account closure, the card status will be updated to closed. In this scenario there may or may not be a replacement card. If not, you may wish to contact the cardholder to request their latest payment details.

In some cases, an account update request may indicate that the card on file is invalid. This could be due to a PAN/expiry mismatch or other inconsistency that we otherwise would not be able to validate at the time the card is registered for updates. In this scenario, the existing card's status will be updated to invalid. You may wish to check your system of record, or to contact the cardholder, to obtain the correct payment details.

The attributes that can be mutated during an update are status & replacement.