

A full reference for the Evervault Command Line Interface (CLI). The Evervault CLI allows you to test and manage your Evervault integration from your terminal.


The latest version of the Evervault CLI can be downloaded and automatically installed using the following command. This command can also be used to upgrade from a previous major version of the Evervault CLI.

Next you’ll need to sign in. You can switch teams and apps with the team switch and app switch commands.


The Evervault CLI supports two main authorization methods. The ev login command logs you in to the CLI using your Evervault Account and gives you the same access as you would have through the Dashboard.

The other method is API Key Authorization. It is supported on a select few commands that developers may use in CI/CD pipelines, such as ev function deploy.

Global Flags

There are some globally available flags which can be used with almost any command within the Evervault CLI.


Format any output from the CLI as JSON.


Disable coloured output. Note: the CLI will also respect the NO_COLOR and EV_NO_COLOR environment variables to disable colour.


Print the helper text for any command


Use these commands to manage your installation of the Evervault CLI.


Connect the CLI to your Evervault account by authenticating with a browser.


Log out from the Evervault CLI. This will remove all stored credentials linking the CLI to your Evervault account.


Update the Evervault CLI to the latest version. Note: The update command will not update between major versions of the Evervault CLI.


Use these commands to manage the Teams that you’re a member of.

team list

List the teams that you are a member of.

team switch

Switch the currently active team in your Evervault CLI


Use these commands to manage the Apps that belong to your currently selected Team

app list

List the apps in your currently selected Team.

app switch

Switch the currently active app in your Evervault CLI.


Use these commands to manage your Functions.

function deploy

Deploy a Function using the source code of your current working directory.

  • Your current directory needs to contain a valid function.toml . You can generate one using the ev function create-toml command.
  • Your Function will use the name set in the function.toml
  • By default, the CLI will wait for the Function deployment to complete. If you only want to begin the deployment and then exit, you can pass in the --background flag.
  • If you want to deploy your Function in a CI pipeline, you can set the EV_API_KEY environment variable to an API key with function:deploy permissions, and pass the --api-key-auth flag.

Authenticate the deployment using an API key. The EV_API_KEY environment variable must be set to an Evervault API key with function:deploy permissions.


Don’t wait for the Function to complete its deployment.


Only print essential logs.

function env

Manage the environment variables of the Function in your current directory.

Note: Some environment variables are reserved for our use and therefore are immutable.


Mark the environment variable as a secret. This encrypts it and makes it irretrievable. All secrets are decrypted when your function is run.


Authenticate the request using an API key. The EV_API_KEY environment variable must be set to an Evervault API key with function:update permissions.


The name of the Function to interact with. If not given, then the CLI will look for a function.toml in the current directory.


The key of the environment variable you wish to update.


The value of the environment variable you wish to update.

function init

Initialize a sample “hello world” Function either in your current directory, or the directory provided


Overwrite the existing directory at the location if it exists


The directory to initialize the function into. If not given, the Function will be created in a subdirectory of the current directory using the name of the Function.

function create-toml

Creates a starter function.toml in the current directory.

Note: This command will not work in a tty environment.

function list

Lists all of the currently selected App’s Functions.

function delete

Deletes a Function.


Use the function.toml in the current directory to determine which Function to delete.


Authenticate the request using an API key. The EV_API_KEY environment variable must be set to an Evervault API key with function:delete permissions.


The name of the Function you wish to delete.

function run

Run a named Function from the command line using a JSON Payload.

Note: This command does not encrypt your data before sending it to the Function.


run this Function locally. Note: Must be run in the directory containing the Function.


Authenticate the request using an API key. The EV_API_KEY environment variable must be set to an Evervault API key with function:run permissions.


The name of the Function you wish to invoke. If not provided the CLI will attempt to run the Function defined in a function.toml in the current working directory.


The JSON Payload to send to the Function.


Path to a file containing the JSON payload to send to the Function, can't be used at the same time as --data.

Locally running functions can only decrypt debug encrypted strings.


Additional helpful commands in the Evervault CLI.


Opens the Evervault dashboard in your preferred browser.


Opens the Evervault docs in your preferred browser.


Displays information about your current session in the Evervault CLI.


Factory reset of your Evervault CLI.